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At Nordy we want to help you solve all your doubts and questions related to electricity rates for your home or business.

Need help?

Here are some of the most common questions about our electricity tariffs, but if you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us!

  • About Nordy
  • Change to Nordy
  • Invoices and payments
  • Concepts
  • Tariffs
  • About the service
  • Promotions and referrals

Why is switching to Nordy the best option for me?

Join Nordy an energy company based in Barcelona, offering electricity solutions to businesses and individuals throughout Spain since 2008. With more than 16 years in the market and more than 21,000 satisfied customers, Nordy stands out for its values of curiosity, responsibility, integrity and respect. We are part of the Fortum Group , a leading Finnish group in CO2-free energy, which reinforces our commitment to sustainability.

Our purpose is to drive a world where people, business and nature thrive together. Discover the difference with Nordy and bet on a cleaner, more reliable future!

Can I contract with Nordy throughout Spain?

Yes, you can hire our services throughout Spain, except in Ceuta and Melilla.

If I have a company, can I contract electricity with you?

Of course. At Nordy we offer services for both companies and individuals. In addition, if you have several supplies, you can manage them all from your customer area.

What additional services does Nordy offer?

At Nordy, we not only provide you with electricity, but we also offer a variety of services to enhance your experience and well-being:

  • Handyman and Wellness Service: Enjoy the convenience of having specialized professionals for your home maintenance needs. Plus, get free access to our Wellness platform, which offers comprehensive wellness programs in mindfulness, sports, nutrition and financial education.
  • Responsible Energy: Choose our 100% renewable energy option and contribute to caring for the planet. We currently collaborate with the Save The Med Foundation, an organization that works to restore the biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea and promotes responsible environmental practices among local communities. This collaboration reflects our commitment to a cleaner and more sustainable future, aligned with our values of curiosity, responsibility, integrity and respect. Our partnership with Save The Med is non-binding. We are continually looking for new opportunities to collaborate with companies and foundations that share our values. By signing up for Nordy Responsible Energy, you will be supporting initiatives that align with our vision and ethical commitment, contributing to a positive impact on the planet and communities.
  • Virtual Battery: If you have solar panels, maximize your savings with our Virtual Battery. Virtually store your surplus energy and reduce your monthly bills to zero euros. Offset all bill costs, including energy, power, equipment rental and more.

Discover how Nordy can make your life easier and more sustainable with these additional services!

Can I switch to Nordy if I am renting?

Of course! You just need to fill out the form on our website or send us your last bill, a copy of your ID and your bank account number to info@nordy.es. If one day you leave the property, the owner will be able to change the owner without any problem.

Can I change my tariff once I have contracted a tariff?

Of course! If your needs change, you can adjust your rate. Just contact us and we will advise you to find the best option for you.

What documentation do I need to hire?

All you need is a copy of your ID card, a recent invoice from your current supplier (if you are switching), and your bank account number for direct debit payments.

Do I have to notify my current company of the change?

No. We take care of all the arrangements for you. You don't need to do anything.

Is there any cost involved in switching companies?

The process usually takes 5 to 10 days. We will keep you informed throughout the process and its phases.

Will I have a commitment of permanence when I switch to Nordy?

No, not at all. We do not apply permanence periods. We want you to enjoy the freedom to always choose what is best for you. Your satisfaction is our top priority and we strive every day to earn your trust and keep you satisfied with our service offering.

Will I still have to pay bills to my previous company?

Your previous company will bill you only until the day of the change. We recommend that you check if you have any additional services contracted.

When I change companies, will I have to make any changes to my electrical installation?

No. No changes to your electrical installation are necessary.

When I switch to Nordy, will my meter have to be changed?

No, the meter will remain the property of your distribution company .

When I switch to Nordy, can I take the opportunity to change the power or tariff?

Yes, you can request power or tariff changes by contacting us at info@nordy.es or by calling our toll free number900 373 681. We will advise you on the power and tariff that best suits your needs.

¿En mi nueva casa no hay suministro, ¿cómo puedo pedir uno nuevo?  

Para pedir un nuevo suministro, necesitaremos una copia de tu DNI.  

Nosotros no te cobraremos nada, pero tu compañía distribuidora te facturará a través de nuestra compañía los siguientes conceptos: 

  • Derechos de acceso: 19,70 € + IVA/IGIC por cada kW solicitado 
  • Derechos de extensión: 17,37 € + IVA/IGIC por cada kW solicitado 
  • Derechos de enganche: 9,04 € + IVA/IGIC por actuación 

Es posible que se requiera una copia del Certificado de Instalaciones Eléctricas (CIE) o del Boletín de Reconocimiento de Instalaciones Eléctricas (BRIE). Para determinar si es necesario contáctanos para que podamos verificarlo y proporcionarte la información necesaria. 

¿Puedo dar de alta más de un suministro eléctrico?  

Sí. Llámanos y dinos lo que necesitas: luz para tu casa, negocio o segunda residencia. 

¿Qué coste tiene cambiar la potencia y/o tarifa?  

Al realizar cualquier tipo de cambio contractual, tanto de potencia como de tarifa, existen unos costes regulados que tu distribuidora de energía te cobrará a través nuestra factura. Te explicamos en qué consisten y cuál es su importe. 

  • Disminución de potencia: únicamente tendrás que abonar los derechos de enganche (9,04 € + IVA/IGIC) 
  • Aumento de potencia: tienes que asegurarte que tu boletín está actualizado y soporta la potencia que deseas aumentar. Si no es el caso, deberás solicitar un Certificado de Instalaciones Eléctricas (CIE) o Boletín de Reconocimiento Instalaciones Eléctricas (BRIE) que lo emitirá un electricista autorizado. Los costes relacionados con el aumento de potencia serán: 


  • Derechos de extensión: de 17,37 € + IVA/IGIC por Kw adicional solicitado 
  • Derechos de acceso: de 19,70 e + IVA/IGIC por cada kW adicional solicitado 
  • Cambio de tarifa: si has hecho alguna modificación técnica de tu suministro durante el último año, la distribuidora se reserva el derecho a denegar cualquier cambio de tarifa o potencia solicitado, hasta que no hayan transcurrido 12 meses.  

 Contactándonos a través de info@nordy.es o llamando a nuestro teléfono gratuito 900 373 681. Te aconsejaremos la potencia y la tarifa que más te convenga. 

¿Puedo desistir de mi contrato con vosotros?

Tienes derecho a desistir de tu contratación dentro de un plazo máximo de 14 días naturales desde la fecha del contrato. Si has consumido electricidad durante ese periodo, deberás abonar la energía consumida. En caso de haberse modificado la potencia, extensión o enganche de nuevo suministro, también deberás abonar los costes repercutidos por la distribuidora. Para desistir de tu contrato debes mandar una carta a Nordy, Avenida Diagonal 463, bis, Barcelona o bien rellenar el formulario de desistimiento que puedes descargar aquí y enviarlo al correo electrónico info@nordy.es. 

How do you send the invoice?

It is sent by e-mail or postal mail. For our part, we encourage electronic delivery because in addition to receiving your invoice the same day of issuance, you will contribute to the environment.

When will I receive my invoice?

Invoices are issued monthly. The date of issue depends on when your distributor sends us the meter reading.

When will my electric bill be charged?

The charge will be made on the due date indicated on your bill. If you have chosen a fixed date, the bill will be charged on that specific date.

Will you bill me for actual or estimated consumption?

We bill the actual consumption remotely. In case of difficulty in reading the meter, the distributor can issue an estimated reading.

Can I send you my meter reading?

Yes, you can send us your meter reading by e-mail to info@nordy.es or by calling our toll free number 900 373 681.

Can I change the contract holder or the bank account where I receive my bill?

Yes, just send us the information to info@nordy.es or call us at our toll free number 900 373 681 .

Can I change the power or tariff?

Yes, contact us to adjust your contract according to your needs.

What do I pay on my electricity bill?

Your electricity bill is made up of several items that together determine the total amount to be paid. Here we explain them in a simple and clear way:

  • Power (kW): This is a fixed cost that depends on the maximum energy capacity that you can use simultaneously in your home. It is measured in kilowatts (kW) and is calculated by multiplying the days of the period billed by the contracted power and its price. This allows you to use several appliances at the same time without blowing the fuse. This cost also includes access tolls, which is a regulated charge for the use of the electricity grid and charges.
  • Energy (kWh): This includes the cost of the electricity you actually consume. It is measured in kilowatt hours (kWh) and is calculated by multiplying the kWh you have used by the kWh price. The number of kWh on your bill is the difference between your last reading and your current reading. Basically, you pay for the amount of electricity you have consumed. This cost includes the access toll, which is a regulated charge for the use of the electricity grid.
  • Equipment rental: If you do not own your meter, there is a small monthly charge for its use, set by the distribution company.
  • Electricity tax: This is a tax regulated by the government that is levied on the sum of energy and power costs. It is applied on the sum of energy and power by multiplying both by the tax in force .
  • VAT: This is the Value Added Tax applied to the total bill, including the electricity tax. Its percentage may vary depending on the regulations in force and the geographical area (Peninsula, Balearic or Canary Islands).

In short, your bill includes both fixed costs, such as the contracted power, and variable costs, such as energy consumption. In addition, the corresponding taxes are added, clearly detailing the breakdown of the total amount you pay.

What is power and why is it important?

Power, measured in kilowatts (kW), indicates the maximum amount of electricity you can use simultaneously in your home. Think of it as the width of a water pipe: the wider it is, the more water can flow through at the same time. Similarly, more power allows you to use more appliances at the same time without tripping the breaker .

At Nordy, we help you choose the perfect power for your home or business, ensuring that you pay only for what you really need, optimizing your costs and ensuring efficient consumption.

What is the difference between a market tariff and a fixed tariff?

Indexed or market price rates, such as our Market Tariff, vary according to the wholesale market price, allowing you to take advantage of the lowest cost times. On the other hand, fixed tariffs, such as our 24h Tariff, maintain a constant price per kWh, offering you stability and predictability in your bill.

At Nordy we have both the Market Tariff and the 24 hours Tariff, we are here to advise you and help you choose the tariff that best suits your needs.

What is the best rate for me?

If you are looking to save by adapting your consumption to the most economical hours and you don't mind some price variability, the indexed tariff is ideal. But if you prefer the peace of mind of a stable price and avoid surprises, a fixed rate is perfect for you.

What are the benefits of each type of tariff?

With an indexed tariff, you can maximize your savings by taking advantage of low market prices. With a fixed rate, you enjoy the peace of mind of always paying the same price per kWh, regardless of market fluctuations.

What does it mean that the price of electricity is variable?

Variable electricity pricing means that your rate adjusts according to the cost of electricity on the wholesale market, which changes hourly. At Nordy, we buy energy directly from the market, where prices vary constantly. With our Market Rate you pay per kWh at cost price, which allows you to take advantage of off-peak times and save more.

What does it mean that the price per kWh is fixed?

A fixed price per kWh means you pay the same rate for each unit of energy consumed, regardless of variations in the market. This protects you from possible increases in the price of electricity, guaranteeing you a stable and predictable cost.

What are the differences between peak, flat and off-peak hours and how can I save with them?

From June 1, 2021, supplies with power up to 15kW will have an access toll 2.0TD with hourly discrimination of 3 periods: peak, flat and valley. Each of these periods has a different price for energy.

We explain what each one consists of:

  • Peak hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00h to 14:00h and from 18:00h to 22:00h. This is the most expensive time slot, so we recommend that you reduce your electricity consumption as much as possible during these hours of the day. Avoid using the appliances that consume the most during this period, in order to control the cost of your electricity bill.
  • Flat hours: Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 10:00, from 14:00 to 18:00 and from 22:00 to 00:00. In this slot, energy has an average price.
  • Off-peak hours: Monday to Friday, from 00:00h to 08:00h and 24 hours, Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays. This is the period when electricity is the cheapest, so we recommend that you carry out those activities that require higher consumption during these hours (running the washing machine, dryer, dishwasher or oven).

Off-peak hours are periods when electricity is cheaper due to lower demand. With an indexed tariff, you can save considerably by consuming energy during these hours - perfect for running the washing machine or charging the electric car!

What can I do to save on my electricity bill?

To consume energy more responsibly and reduce the cost of electricity bills, we can adopt very simple habits in our daily lives. For example, unplug appliances when they are not in use, such as lights, computers, televisions, etc.

In addition, we recommend our Market Rate, which is an energy tariff that takes into account the cost of energy in the market .

Do you offer the social bonus?

No, for this you must go to a reference marketer.

If I have a breakdown, who should I contact?

In principle, distributors are in charge of solving supply problems, but if you have any doubts, please contact us. We will help you to solve your doubts and we will advise you what you can do. Also, in the invoice we indicate you the contact number of the distributor that you have to contact .

Below you will find the telephone numbers of all the distributors .

  • Endesa Distribución:

    900 850 840 (Andalucía, Extremadura, Murcia, Castilla la Mancha).

    900 848 900 (Aragón, Castilla y León, Navarra, La Rioja y C. Valenciana)

    800 760 706 (Catalonia)

  • Iberdrola Distribución:

    900 171 171

  • Unión Fenosa Distribución:

    900 111 999

    900 111 444

  • Hidrocantábrico Distribution:

    900 907 001

  • Viesgo Distribution:

    900 118 866

Will there be power outages when I switch to Nordy?

Not at all! You can rest assured that Red Eléctrica guarantees that there will be no outages during the changeover process. You will enjoy a seamless transition in your electric service.

How does the Friendly Energy Plan work?

The Friend Energy Plan is a benefit for our customers to win prizes for being part of our company. In this case, our customers can invite their friends or family to switch to Nordy and, for each of them, they will receive a €30 discount when their friends sign up for the plan. The 30€ discount will be divided over the next 3 invoices, the more you refer, the more discounts you get!

How do I invite my friends or family?

To invite them, all you have to do is share your Customer Code so that they can indicate it when they sign up with us. You can find this information on the header of your electricity bill or in the "Customer Zone" on our website. If your friends decide to sign up online, they only have to enter your code in the "Friend Energy Code" section of the form on our website. If your friends prefer to sign up by phone, they should mention it at the time of the call.