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Adaptation to the 15-minute intervals in REE programming.

Have you heard about Red Eléctrica's transition to 15-minute intervals? This change aims to...

Everything you need to know about contracting electricity in Spain as an expatriate

For expats, becoming familiar with the requirements and process for signing up for electricity...

10 simple ways to reduce energy consumption at home.

Leaving the light on, taking long showers or using the dishwasher without being full are daily...

Welcome to Nordy! The new era of Scandinavian energy.

Hello everyone! Today is a special day for us in ScandinavianElectricity. After a period of ...

Pay your bills from your Customer Zone!


10 myths that make your electricity bill more expensive

1. Energy-saving light bulbs do not save as much: Reality: LED and energy-saving bulbs save...

All about the Nordy Solar Wallet

Electricity trader vs distributor


The easy guide to understanding your electricity bill

1. Invoice details Contracted product: Name of the electricity tariff you have contracted. ...