Es normal que surjan dudas a la hora de revisar nuestra factura de la luz, muchos datos y números. Pero para ponértelo más fácil, en Nordy te dejamos esta guía con todos los elementos que puedes encontrar en tu factura.

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1. Invoice details

  • Contracted product: Name of the electricity tariff you have contracted. 

  • Invoice number:Invoice tax ID number. 

  • Consumption period: Time interval to which the consumption billed on the bill refers. 

  • Date of issue: Date on which the invoice was issued. 

  • Expiration: Deadline for payment of the bill. If you have a direct debit bill, this is the day on which the charge will be passed through your bank. 


2. Billing summary

In this section you can see a summary of the items invoiced in the bill. It includes the energy and power consumed, other contracted products, discounts, taxes, etc. The total amount of the bill is shown at the end of the box. On the second page, this information is detailed more exhaustively. 

  • Power consumed: Amount you pay for the contracted power, allowing you to use several appliances at the same time. This is a fixed cost that you pay whether you consume electricity or not.  

  • Energy consumed: Amount you pay for the kWh you have consumed in the billed period. 

  • Products:Cost of products contracted in your electricity tariff, such as the monthly management cost in our Tarifa Transparente or the fee for the Energia Responsable service. 

  • Electricity tax: Rate on electricity set by the government, currently 0.5%. 

  • Equipment rental: Amount you pay to your distributor for the meter rental. If you own the meter, you will not see this item. 

  • VAT/IGIC (Canary Islands): State value added tax. Normally 21%, but currently reduced to 5% for supplies with power up to 10kW. 

  • Total freight: To be paid on invoice, all items included. 

Alongside this data, you will find a graph showing the evolution of your electricity consumption over the last 14 months. It also shows the average daily consumption in the period billed, the average daily consumption over the last 14 months and the cumulative consumption over the last year, all expressed in kWh. 


3. Contract data

In this section you can see some data such as the type of market you are in. In your case, it is the free market. 

  • Customer code: Code that identifies you as a customer of Nordy. You must indicate it to us when you make any inquiry about your supply or invoices. With it you can also invite friends to contract with us and get discounts on your bill. 

  • Supply holder and DNI/NIF: Name and identity document of the person or company that has contracted the light. 

  • Supply address: Physical address of the dwelling or business for which the electricity has been contracted. 

  • Contract end date: Although you have no contract term with us, contracts have a default duration of one year and are automatically renewed. Aquí puedes ver hasta cuándo está vigente el tuyo. 

  • CUPS: Alphanumeric code that identifies your electrical supply. It has 20 or 22 characters and starts with ES. 

  • Meter type: Indicates if you have the meter remotely managed and activated. 

  • Access charge: Type of tariff you pay to the distributor for using the electricity transmission networks.  

  • Access contract reference:Contract number with your distributor. 

  • Supply contract reference:Contract number with Nordy. 

  • Contracted power: Amount of kW you can demand at each moment from the grid in the peak (P1) and off-peak (P3) periods.


4. Consumption information of this invoice

  • Active energy: Readings from your meter indicating your electricity consumption for the periods P1, P2 and P3, comparing the kWh of the billed period with those of the previous bill. 

  • Reactive energy: Readings from your meter indicating your reactive energy consumption for periods P1, P2 and P3, comparing the kWh of the billed period with those of the previous bill. 

If you want to check the exact consumption by hours, you can see it on the website of your distributor, indicated at the end of this section. 


5. Destination of invoice amount 

This chart indicates the destination of what you pay on your bill. It shows the percentage corresponding to the energy consumed, taxes and charges to the state, as well as the percentage you pay to the distributor for meter rental and use of the electricity transmission networks. 


6. Maximum powers demanded in the last year  

you will find information about the maximum power you have used in the last year in the peak period (P1) and in the off-peak period (P3). This information can guide you when assessing whether you can reduce your contracted power. 

7. Payment method  

In this section you indicate the information of the payment method you have chosen (direct debit, payment by transfer or account deposit), the details of your bank and a barcode, with which you will be able to make the payment. 


8. Billing data

The information you see here is the same as in section Billing summary, but with much more details and explanations so that you understand well how each concept of your bill is calculated. 

  • Power term: What you pay for the contracted power in each period (P1 and P2). It is calculated by multiplying the contracted kW by the number of days billed and the price per kW per day. 

  • Energy term: What you pay for the energy you have consumed in the billed period. It is calculated by multiplying the kWh consumed in each period (if you have time discrimination) by the price per kWh of the contracted electricity tariff. 

  • Products: Detail of the costs of products contracted in your electricity tariff, such as the monthly management cost in our  Tarifa Transparente or the fee for the service Energía Responsable. 

    Here also, the discounts applied, for example, for bringing a friend with the Refer-a-Friend Energy Plan and the contribution to the Bono Social, regulated by the regulations, are broken down. 

  • Self-consumption surplus compensation: If you have solar panels and self-consumption surplus compensation activated, with our virtual battery, you will see a line on your bill indicating the energy discharged to the grid by your photovoltaic installation and the economic compensation that is subtracted from your electricity bill. According to the regulations, the amount of compensation cannot exceed the cost of the energy consumed from the grid. 

  • Adjustment Royal Decree 10/2022: Amount corresponding to the compensation for the gas cap adjustment, a measure approved by the government to lower the price of electricity in the wholesale market by limiting the cost of gas. The amount of compensation is variable and depends on your electricity consumption and the price of gas on the market.  

  • Rental of metering and control equipment: Amount you pay on each bill if you do not own the meter. 

  • Electricity tax: Rate applied by the government, currently 0.5%. 

  • VAT / IGIC: Taxes applied to the invoice subtotal. 

  • Total amount:Sum of all items and the amount to be paid on your invoice. 

9. Origin of electricity

In this section you can see information about the origin of electricity in the Spanish electricity system and also about Nordy's energy, which is 100% renewable certified by the CNMC. 



10. Origin of electricity

Information on the amount of your bill, excluding taxes, corresponding to the network access tariffs in the power and energy terms. Also included is a QR code linked to the CNMC's energy offer comparator. 

11. Origin of electricity

Here are our contact details for any questions you need to ask:

  • Freephone: 900 373 681 

Malfunctions: Here you will find the name of your distributor, the company responsible for delivering electricity to your supply point, and the telephone number to call in the event of a fault. 

If you have doubts about any concept of the electricity bill or, if you are not yet a customer of Nordy and you are looking for a cheap electricity tariff, contact us and we will be happy to help you.

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